Order Pick and Load Sheet Defaults - SET 38

This option allows you to create and maintain default Pick/Load sheets for each warehouse.

Although this document can be used in different situations, it was designed to quickly and easily pick items for Will Call orders using bar codes.

  1. On the System Setting menu, select option 38 - Order Pick/Load Sheet Defaults.
  2. A listing of the non-IWMS warehouses appears.
  3. You can inquire into a warehouse's settings (option I), update the settings (option U), or add a new warehouse, as shown below, by pressing F1.

Field Description
Report Outq This is where the pick/load sheet is sent. It can be a printer or an out queue assigned to a user or department. For example, your system administrator can create an outqueue for the warehouse manager and then enter that value in this field. Then when order pick/load sheets are created, for this warehouse, they are sent to the warehouse manager's outqueue enabling him to decide what and when to pick.
Print Barcode

Enter Y to enable bar code printing.

An Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) printer is needed to print bar codes.

Sort Sequence

Use these fields to optimize your picking and loading. In the example shown above, the pick/load sheet is based first off drop code, then stop number and so on.

Information in fields not sequenced is not considered in determining a sort sequence.

Page Break Enter a Y to have the pick/load sheet start a new page after the sort sequence.